The externs in professional mode

Friday, 17 August 2012

Externship Graduation Dinner

To celebrate the end of the externship programme, a graduation dinner was held at Oasis Restaurant for the externs and their friends and family as well as the supervisors from their host organisations.

Lawyer Michael Kanu (who currently works at the Anti-Corruption Commission) gave a key note speech inspiring the externs in their future legal career and to be the kind of lawyers that made a difference. Lawyer Haffie Hafner (who used to work for the Pilot National Legal Aid scheme) especially encouraged the female students.

All students were awarded with certificates and the names of three students were announced who would be awarded the summer externship placements in the provinces. These were: Alimammy Koroma (1st prize), Esther Kabia and Anrite Thomas (joint 2nd prize). These students performed the best during the externship and have secured a stipend and placement with a legal organisation in the provinces. The assessment was based on their performance at their host placement, their contribution as the group sessions, their journal and blog posts and their professionalism.

We hope the special evening is one the externs will remember and was some time for them to enjoy themselves after their hard work during the externship.

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